Monday 19 November 2018

Isobel's Birthday Gifts From Her Father

Each year since you were 10 I have tried to give you something meaningful on your birthday.  Things that you might look back on when you're older to help you remember how much I love you. How everything I do is for you. How much I enjoy being able to make things just for the pleasure of showing you and seeing your reaction.

Collected here are the gifts I have so far given.

10 - 1977 - A story for you at 10 from when I was 10
11 - 111 Songs for Iz
12 - Twelve Poems for Iz
13: A Clue as to Why I am Not So Confused Anymore
14 - Fourteen Plays for Your Birthday


11 - 111 Songs for Iz

12 - Twelve Poems for Iz

Darling Iz

On your 10th Birthday I wrote you a story from 1977 when I was 10.

For your 11th birthday I gave you 111 songs.

Now you are twelve here are twelve poems for you. I hope these poems feed your wonderful mind and help you to continue to look at the world a bit sideways. Love always

The poems are:

e.e.cummings, somewhere...
T S Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Pablo Neruda, Every day you play
Dylan Thomas, The force that through...
Pier Paolo Pasolini, Gramsci’s Ashes
Simon Armitage, My Difference
W. B. Yeats, The Stolen Child
Ted Hughes, Heptonstall Old Church
Hera Lindsay Bird, Hate
Theodore Roethke, In a Dark Time
Rainer Maria Rilke, A Walk
Peter Handley, Getting lost in the Shift.

14 - Fourteen Plays We Will Read Together

Dear Isobel Happy Fourteenth Birthday.

On your 10th birthday I wrote you a story from 1977 when I was 10.

For your 11th birthday I gave you 111 songs.

For your 12th birthday I selected 12 poems for you.

For your 13th birthday I wrote a philosophy book for you - 13: A Clue as to Why I am Not So Confused Anymore

On your fourteenth birthday I give you twelve plays I would like us to read together.

I know it can be hard to find time to read together, but I know that when we do, lying on your bed or curled in a chair, we both laugh - even at the serious bits. Making up funny voices or mispronouncing the words. So this is as much a gift for me as for you.

It might take us a lifetime to finish these plays, but lets try.

Love Dad.

The pays are:

1. Dylan Thomas - Under Milk Wood
2. Luigi Pirandello - Six Characters in Search of An Author
3. Tennessee Williams - The Two-Character Play
4. Marsha Norman - Night Mother
5. Sophocles - Oedipus The King
6. Lisa Peterson and Denis O'Hare - An Iliad
7. Anton Checkov - The Cherry Orchard
8. David Mamet - American Buffalo
9. Jez Butterworth - Jerusalem
10. Jean-Paul Satre - No Exit
11. Harold Pinter - The Caretaker
12. Samuel Beckett - Waiting for Godot
13. Arthur Miller - Death of a Salesman
14. Sarah Daniels - Beside Herself

13: A Clue as to Why I am Not So Confused Anymore